Online Couples Counseling
1 hour online marriage/couples counseling
Service Description
Is Your Marriage Headed in the Wrong Direction? Criticism: Increase in critical feelings and communication toward your spouse. Contempt: Increase in resentment, sometimes resulting in perpetual frustration. Defensiveness: Avoidance of personal responsibility, especially during conflicts. Avoidance: Increasingly unresponsive to one another, keeping one another out of the communication loop, withholding important information or a marked increase in solo activities. It is possible to increase your emotional connection and bring intimacy back into your relationship, making your relationship the mutual top priority next to your faith in God. You can start today and rebuild your love through understanding the nature of conflicts, how to communicate with each other in a godly manner and applying practical, doable tools that will bring new life to your relationship. I recommend at least 4 hour-long sessions to start where we discuss the common issues that hinder the development of a relationship. The following outline is a sample of topics we can discuss in our sessions together: Session One : Healing and Resolving Past Emotional Challenges Before we can resolve the current issues in your relationship, it is important to examine those areas which have not been resolved from your formative years and are a source of disharmony and conflict in your marriage. Session Two: The Purpose of Unrealized Ideals in Marriage Many couples marry with the mindset that their spouse will become the source of personal joy, happiness and a freedom from disappointment and heartache. We will look at the biblical way to fulfill those expectations through faith and doable steps to attain joy, without placing your spouse as the emotional fixer of all past hurts and disappointments. Session Three: The Real Origin of Conflict and How to Reach Resolutions: In this session we will first look at the primary issues that cause conflict in relationships and from there how to confront the behavior correctly. Session Four: Developing Effective Communication Skills During this session, we will discuss how you can respond and react to the present circumstance and great reduce the tendency to go from discussion to full blown argument. Learn the proper foundational elements of a lasting marriage, moving communication from something fearful and associated with conflict and negativity to a positive avenue for deeper intimacy and stronger marital connection.

Contact Details
+ 832-566-0800
60 Briar Hollow Ln, Houston, TX, USA