Specializing in Relationship Preparation
Individual Relationship Counseling
Focusing on Healthy Boundaries and Establishing Right Priorities
Have you been in and out of relationships that are unfulfilling?
Do you believe you do not know what components should comprise a true and lasting commitment?
Are your relationships lacking a foundation of mutual trust and respect?
When I first start working with many of my clients, some confide their disillusionment with love, believing that relationships should be easy and effortless.
The missing key factor is preparation.
Option One: Individual Relationship Counseling Sessions
Whether you are in a current relationship or looking to make better choices, you need focus and direction. My Relationship Counseling Sessions and/or my Relationship Preparation Package reveals the priorities necessary for lasting love, the characteristics of the right person and important steps you can incorporate into your life to reach your relationship goals. This process will allow you to have a solid focus on the proper foundation to build the life you want to attain, get away from drama-filled relationships and into the Right Relationship!
Here is a sample of what you can expect during our Relationship Counseling Sessions:
Examination of past and current relationship patterns
Healing barriers to love
Recognizing relationship red flags
Developing positive character traits and core beliefs
Setting realistic dating expectations
Balancing career and relationship goals
Establishing and strengthening your spiritual foundation
Our work together is a confidential relationship that encourages you to change the direction you have tried to this point and move past your comfort zone. You may have several issues you would like to have help with from your past relationships or you may have only one. I will show you in a clear, step-by-step approach how you can achieve your desired the relationship goals based on your individual background and circumstances.
Take the first step today! 60 minute Counseling Session ($95.00)
Option Two: Relationship Preparation Package (most popular)
Many of my clients first start with my basic foundational package which addresses key elements which are hindering their relationships.
Relationship Preparation Package
My package consists of 4 sessions at 60 minute sessions in which we cover the following topics:
Session One : Healing and Resolving Past Emotional Challenges
Before we can resolve the current issues in your relationship, it is important to examine those areas which have not been resolved from your formative years and become prominently displayed in your relationship. Many times it is these past unresolved issues with end up sabotaging an otherwise good relationship when you fear vulnerability. The goal is to renew your mind so you can move from a place where the challenges of your formative years is not the filter of your relationships of today.
Session Two: The Breaking Down of Unattainable Expectations
Have you heard from others that you are too picky in your relationships? Have you made relationship standards that no one can ever live up to? While it is important to have a clear idea of the type of person you want for a committed relationship, the focus needs to shift from external expectations to internal character traits, morals, values and common beliefs.
Looking to a relationship to fulfill an internal void and expecting that person to be the primary source of personal joy and happiness only leads to disappointment and heartbreak. We will look at the biblical way to fulfill those expectations through faith and doable steps to attain joy, without expecting that other people should provide the emotional fix of all past hurts and disappointments.
Session Three: Learning Where Conflict Originates and Resolution Skills:
In this session we will first look at the primary issues that cause conflict in relationships and from there how to confront the behavior correctly. Not only will you learn good conflict resolution skills for your relationships, but you will also gain the ability to examine the core motivation behind those conflicts. We will walk through the primary sources that lead to relational conflicts and then learn resolution skills to those challenges in a God-honoring manner.
Session Four: Developing Effective Communication Skills
The majority of communication problems arise from an ineffective way of listening to the other person’s viewpoint. Many people listen partially, catching bits and pieces of the information; others listen with filters from past experiences and pain, leading to an incorrect interpretation and ultimately reaction to present circumstances.
The other damaging factors in communication are the ways couples avoid confrontations through omission of information, partial truths and outright lies. During this session, we will discuss how you can develop true godly discernment and wisdom. By responding and reacting to the present circumstance, you will find a great reduction in the escalation from discussion to full blown argument.
I will share the proper foundational elements of a lasting commitment, which will move communication from something fearful and associated with conflict and negativity to a positive avenue for deeper intimacy and stronger marital connection.
Take the first step today! Four 60 minute Counseling Sessions ($499.00)
Spiritual Foundation Counseling for Relationships and Marriage
Focusing on the basis of your faith
The one primary factor that will establish a lasting, fulfilling and loving relationship is a strong spiritual foundation based on unwavering mutual beliefs. It has been my experience in counseling that many people in committed relationships or marriages do not take the time necessary to explore each other's spiritual state and beliefs ... many times to the detriment of the relationship.
While common interests, life goals and compatibility are also important factors in lasting love, it is first and foremost the spiritual life which determines the true success and fulfillment of the relationship or marriage long-term.
Spiritual Foundational Counseling Sessions include:
How to study the Bible correctly and contextually.
Applying biblical principles to your relationships, family and marriage.
How to choose a church with proper expository preaching, teaching the fundamental Christian doctrines.
How to live your daily life according your profession of faith.
The necessity of prayer and how to align your desires with the will, plan and purpose of God.
What it means to be a Christian, comprising more than identifying yourself with a particular religion or affirming a certain value system.
Whichever stage of relationship you are presently in, whether you are single, in a committed relationship with the goal of marriage or married, it is never too late to connect and grow in your faith. It is through the scripture that character refinement takes place.
The goal is to build godly integrity, which will as a byproduct, enhance your significant relationships. The best preparation for marriage and the best healer of a marriage in crisis is spiritual growth and maturity.
I would be honored to help you explore your faith and grow spiritually. When the priority of your life is God centered, you can experience lasting contentment and fulfillment that only the Lord can provide.
Take the first step today! 60 minute Counseling Session ($95.00)
Marriage/Couples Counseling
Deepening mutual connection within marriage
"There is not a more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage." - Martin Lloyd Jones
Is Your Marriage Headed in the Wrong Direction?
Criticism: Increase in critical feelings and communication toward your spouse.

Contempt: Increase in resentment, sometimes resulting in perpetual frustration.

Defensiveness: Avoidance of personal responsibility, especially during conflicts.

Avoidance: Increasingly unresponsive to one another, keeping one another out of the communication loop, withholding important information or a marked increase in solo activities.

It is possible to increase your emotional connection and bring intimacy back into your relationship, making your relationship the mutual top priority next to your faith in God. As you have experienced, the result of not nurturing the marriage leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness, heavily straining your relationship.
The good news?
You can start today and rebuild your love through understanding the nature of conflicts, how to communicate with each other in a godly manner and applying practical, doable tools that will bring new life to your relationship.
Option One: Marriage Recovery Package (Most Popular)
consists of 4 sessions at 60 minute sessions in which we cover the following topics:
Session One : Healing and Resolving Past Emotional Challenges
Before we can resolve the current issues in your relationship, it is important to examine those areas which have not been resolved from your formative years and are a source of disharmony and conflict in your marriage.
The goal is to move from a place where tomorrow is not enslaved to the past and those consuming desires that you are trying to have your spouse meet are put in their proper place.
Session Two: The Purpose of Unrealized Ideals in Marriage
Many couples marry with the mindset that their spouse will become the source of personal joy, happiness and a freedom from disappointment and heartache. The expectation is a non-verbal ideal that life will go from uncertainty to security based on the actions of the other person.
That variance between the expectation and the reality can lead to much conflict. We will look at the biblical way to fulfill those expectations through faith and doable steps to attain joy, without placing your spouse as the emotional fixer of all past hurts and disappointments.
Session Three: The Real Origin of Conflict and How to Reach Resolutions:
In this session we will first look at the primary issues that cause conflict in relationships and from there how to confront the behavior correctly. Not only will you learn good conflict resolution skills for your marriage, but also you will gain the ability to examine the core motivation behind those conflicts.
We will walk through the primary sources that lead to relational conflicts and then learn resolution skills to those challenges in a God-honoring manner.
Session Four: Developing Effective Communication Skills
The majority of communication problems arise from an ineffective way of listening to the other person’s viewpoint. Many people listen partially, catching bits and pieces of the information; others listen with filters from past experiences and pain, leading to an incorrect interpretation and ultimately reaction to present circumstances. The other damaging factors in communication are the ways couples avoid confrontations through omission of information, partial truths and outright lies.
During this session, we will discuss how you can develop true godly discernment and wisdom. By responding and reacting to the present circumstance, you will find a great reduction in the escalation from discussion to full blown argument. I will share the proper foundational elements of a lasting marriage, which will move communication from something fearful and associated with conflict and negativity to a positive avenue for deeper intimacy and stronger marital connection.
Marriage counseling is not comprised of venting sessions that do not reach a goal of relational unity and mutual fulfillment. It is important to initially establish each person's perspective; however the purpose of counseling is not to attack one individual or prove one person is right and the other is wrong.
If you feel you are growing apart, please take action now. Waiting and hoping things will get better without proactive steps is not wise and can damage the relationship beyond repair. Marriages can be saved and it is my desire to help you achieve that success in your marriage in a God-honoring manner.
Take the first step today! Four 60 minute Counseling Sessions ($599.00)
Option Two: Individual Marriage/Couples Counseling Sessions
You may also schedule counseling sessions by the hour without purchasing a package. We will cover similar topics as well as the specific challenges you have within your marriage.
Whatever issues your marriage is facing, I will help you reach solutions that will greatly improve your relationship, reestablishing mutual love, trust and respect.
Take the first step today! 60 minute Marriage/Couples Counseling Session ($130.00)